Well hello there!
My name is Katey and I am from Vancouver, Canada; however, I’m currently travelling through Australia and South East Asia. I have recently embarked on a health journey of the body, mind, and soul and I would love for you to join me on my quest for operating at my optimum health level, both while travelling and in the real world, using the powerful tool of ph360 and SHAE.
I am a 35 year old female who has struggled with weight and lack of motivation to exercise most of my adult life. If there is a diet out there, I’ve probably done it: Weight Watchers, the Cabbage Soup diet, Atkins Diet, Paleo, Veganism, Heart Health Diet, bootcamp challenges, and yes – I achieved results when I was on them, but I never seemed able to sustain those results.
My State of Health
When I came across ph360, my health was not a priority for me. Well, I mean I thought I was making it a priority by eating healthy, organic foods; but I was living a fairly sedentary life with very little exercise. Life just seemed to take so much energy out of me that I could barely even muster up the motivation to get outside for a walk, let alone go to an aerobics class and bounce around for an hour. I loved getting out into nature to exercise, but the climate in Vancouver on Canada’s temperate rainforest West Coast (which we locals lovingly refer to it as the “Wet” Coast) just wasn’t very appealing.
Day-to-day I felt pretty good. I thought I was eating right, I wasn’t exercising but I was keeping my brain engaged at work and going to school part time for graphic design. I think keeping my mind busy made it feel like I was getting more physical exercise than I was.
How did I find ph360?
I digitally stumbled across ph360 online just over a year ago. I heard the founder, Matt Riemann, on a podcast being interviewed about personalized health and epigenetics and although I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the genetics part, the personalized health piece just made so much sense.
How has it worked?
I dabbled in ph360 on and off and when I stuck to it, I did get some amazing results. I lost 9 lbs (4 kgs) in my first two weeks. But once again, my lack of motivation and sustainability just wasn’t kicking into overdrive.
I knew the program worked. I experienced the results. I wanted to improve my health. So why couldn’t I commit? I wanted to blame the program for not being engaging enough.
Then it hit me: it wasn’t that the program wasn’t working for me. It was me that wasn’t working for me. I realized that I just wasn’t prioritizing myself and my health in my life. But I also realized that if I want to achieve the life of my dreams, I need to be at the top of my game in mind, body, and spirit.
My Mindset
Starting a major overhaul on my lifestyle was a daunting task. I decided that I wanted to jump “all-in” with ph360 and try to integrate as much of the information as I could, but that meant a major lifestyle shift. And the best way for me to fully immerse myself into all that ph360 has to offer, was to sign up for a ph360 Health Retreat.
The Health Retreat is a 5 night, 6 day immersion program with a schedule, food plan, exercise regime, and activities tailored specifically to me and my body. So, that is why I am in Australia! Hello Gold Coast!
So here I am, in Australia on the stunning Gold Coast with some amazing Retreaters and ph360 staff members! Here my health journey officially starts.
I would love for you to join me on this journey. I am an open book and want to share my story in hopes it inspires others to start their own health journey, for the last time. 🙂
For full disclosure – I am so impressed with not only this program, but the people and company itself, that I have decided to merge my personal and professional lives and have started working for this inspiring company. I am just so in love with the ph360 mission, it was an amazing bonus to work with such an inspiring and supportive group of people who are truly motivated to rid the world of chronic pain and disease.
Stay tuned for more updates!
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