Smart businesses integrated health into their operations before 2020 rocked the world. Employers are now scrambling for effective solutions to create stability for their staff, to translate into stability in their business during these uncertain times. Australian business statistics from 2020 show startling increases in mental and physical health distress. Executive leaders have recognized the immediate need for proven wellness technology solutions to effectively support their teams moving through the undulations of the year.
Proactive Employers
Australia-based coffee company, Padre Coffee, is one company who intentionally built health, resilience, and mental wellness into their operations pre-pandemic, in 2019. They prioritized and personalized the focus of not only the health of their employees, but the company entity as a whole. “We set out to make our management aware of personalized health via the Shae platform. We replaced our entire management book with a personalized health manual and what we saw in our employees was exceptional.” says Padre Coffee CEO Marinus Jansen. “With this knowledge we’re now able to hire staff into positions they love and thrive in, and support them to increase their health while they are at work. Not only did this empower our team and improve health across the teams, the personalized health manual developed for us became a cornerstone of our management culture.”
The AI-driven corporate wellness technology company used by Padre Coffee, ShaeWellness, saw this past year as a much needed technology upskilling, including flexibility around remote working options, for Australia’s workforce. ShaeWellness President, Matt Riemann, shares “COVID fast tracked the urgency and relevancy of finding scalable, virtual, mental AND physical wellbeing solutions to meet each employee’s exact needs at work and at home.”
Current State of Business
The Australian HR Institute’s 2020 Wellness Report saw 92.6% of staff report of “not thriving” in the workplace; and one in five Australian’s have been diagnosed with mental illness according to the Black Dog Institute. “As companies seek out better ways to create thriving, high performance workplaces while building a new normal, precision AI-driven health corporate solutions are now the baseline standard for proven results,” furthers Riemann.
ShaeWellness recently released their latest corporate personalized wellness results, revealing 88% of individuals improved in mental health markers for anxiety and depression after 30 days; while, 98% of people improved their body composition over 90 days with an average of 11.3% reduction in body fat.
Riemann shares “Businesses are telling us they need combined mental and physical wellness solutions, accessible for remote workers and in-office staff, using the advanced insights and personalized information only epigenetic AI-technology can currently offer.”
Find out what customized solutions can be tailored for your organization with a no stress, no obligation Pulse Check call with our friendly team.
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